Breathwork Sessions

Discover the transformative power of your breath with my one-on-one or group breathwork sessions.

Breathwork is a form of therapy that uses conscious breathing techniques to promote relaxation, self-awareness and healing. The practice involves consciously controlling your breathing patterns to achieve different states of consciousness and promote physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.

Breathwork therapy can take many different forms, but the basic principle involves breathing deeply and rhythmically to increase oxygen flow to the body and calm the mind.

We may use techniques such as circular breathing, alternate nostril breathing, or breath retention to help you release emotional blockages.

Breathwork Sessions

Discover the transformative power of your breath with my one-on-one or group breathwork sessions.

Breathwork is a form of therapy that uses conscious breathing techniques to promote relaxation, self-awareness and healing. The practice involves consciously controlling your breathing patterns to achieve different states of consciousness and promote physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.

Breathwork therapy can take many different forms, but the basic principle involves breathing deeply and rhythmically to increase oxygen flow to the body and calm the mind.

We may use techniques such as circular breathing, alternate nostril breathing, or breath retention to help you release emotional blockages.

Breathwork Sessions


Discover the transformative power of your breath with my one-on-one or group breathwork sessions.

Breathwork is a form of therapy that uses conscious breathing techniques to promote relaxation, self-awareness and healing. The practice involves consciously controlling your breathing patterns to achieve different states of consciousness and promote physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.

Breathwork therapy can take many different forms, but the basic principle involves breathing deeply and rhythmically to increase oxygen flow to the body and calm the mind.

We may use techniques such as circular breathing, alternate nostril breathing, or breath retention to help you release emotional blockages.

Benefits of Breathwork

  • Reduces stress & anxiety levels

  • Enhances mental clarity & focus
  • Non-invasive and drug-free approach to wellness
  • Enhances recovery from physical exertion
  • Quality of sleep and restfulness increases
  • Ability to breath through the nose returns
  • Less allergies, colds and improved immunity